Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Okay, so we all know about buddhism, christianity and all those other religions but how many people in town actually know something about the 'Mahikari', other than it being a japanese religion(?)? 50 bucks says a max of 2 outta 10 so here's a brief low-down on what this 'Mahikari' is...

Well, generally, these people worship a god they call the 'Su God', one they believe to be the sun god or rather to god of light and warmth. What they mostly do is, after they obtain their own separate omitamas and commit the prayers to heart, they 'shine light' unto those who need some kind of spiritual 'healing' or just feel obliged to sit down and let the su god people do their stuff. What I find amusing about all this 'light' stuff is that the person who gives it gets some 'light' shed on themselves as well. Kinda like getting commision for all your work(grandma doesn't really like my calling it 'commision' but meh).

Receiving this 'light' isn't that bad really, but sitting down and keeping your mouth shut for at least 10 minutes with your eyes closed is not cool.

Sis had a tummyache a few nights ago and was whining the house down, so... THIS IS A JOB FOR MAHIKARI GRANNY!

Oooo, censorship~

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