Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Flies only.

Spent the last four days trying to get some cams sold and now I can barely stand on what's left of my legs. Leaflet dudes, I feel your pain. Anyway, only got about 7 BenQ cams sold all weekend + monday. It was kinda pointless and downright STOOPID to have me stand there at the stall ALL ALONE for 13 FUGGIN HOURS when the only people I could see walking around the place (the spring btw) were other bored employees heading for the bathroom or canteen cuz they were just as bored as I was. Ah Tien (ex employee) had classes on monday but still, F*CCKKKK UZZZZZ. If I don't get any commision from all this Ima set george michael on da boss's ass. And he'll have SIFFLIZZZ.

Btw, you can get ice-cream at McD's for just a buck on the first day of every month. OH SHIT SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT. Bah, s'kay, see ya at midnight on the last day of july~

Quote of the day: "I'm not racist, you nigger."

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