Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cash ins.

Being the normal selfish teenager he is, yours truly drove out to town today ready to blow all his salary out on anything but charity. Managed to burn about 200 on breathers (plus the filters), a new hoodie and the uber large headphones my equally large ears have always fuggin wanted. Big plus was on the breathers cuz I thought each of them would cost a little over a hundred at the very least without the filters. Turns out this store in town sells them for 13 bux each but didn't have the filters in stock so I had to walk another mile down the street to get em for 16 each but gahh, who cares? At least now I can stop worrying about getting cancer before alzheimers hits. Oh and filters cost 3 ringgit each woootz now I have a few extra hundreds to spend on other useless junk! Maybe I'll get a pair of that nike cortez? Shit I dunno, money's there and it very effin ready to talk.

Quote of the day: "Have you ever tried going mad WITHOUT power? It's boring."

Friday, July 25, 2008

Final stretch.

Veeeeeeeeeeeee~ Come monday I'll be free to do all the useless shit I've left undone AND with MONEYYZZZ. :D Only got a few days till sem 2 starts though. Hurryhurryhurry! Midnight phone rape! 8D

Quote of the day: "Wait, why did he stick it in there in the first place?"

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I saw the trailers. I went ooo. I went ahhh. But M. Night Shyamalan's "The Happening" still ended as a disappointment.

I'm not much of a shyamalan fan but this movie's got one heck of a trailer, I'll tell you that. One of the most annoying things I find in movies these days is how they just jump straight into the everything with no buildup whatsoever. In this one, you load the dvd, you press play, you see blue skies and BANG some girl in a park just felt like having a hairpin up her neck. Like, wtf? At least give us SOMETHING to base that shit on. And the dialog, god, why not just do the ever hilarious retard talk and get it over with?

But amidst the lolable madness, there WERE a few bits which were refreshingly disturbing. Soldier kid pwning himself, madam creepy ramming her already mutilated face into windows, body-mowing :D well, maybe it's worth 2 bucks out of the 6 but still, simply put, The Happening:- ugly betty in a million-dollar dress.

This mess effin deserves a sad 5/10.

Quote of the day: "It's happening."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Flies only.

Spent the last four days trying to get some cams sold and now I can barely stand on what's left of my legs. Leaflet dudes, I feel your pain. Anyway, only got about 7 BenQ cams sold all weekend + monday. It was kinda pointless and downright STOOPID to have me stand there at the stall ALL ALONE for 13 FUGGIN HOURS when the only people I could see walking around the place (the spring btw) were other bored employees heading for the bathroom or canteen cuz they were just as bored as I was. Ah Tien (ex employee) had classes on monday but still, F*CCKKKK UZZZZZ. If I don't get any commision from all this Ima set george michael on da boss's ass. And he'll have SIFFLIZZZ.

Btw, you can get ice-cream at McD's for just a buck on the first day of every month. OH SHIT SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT. Bah, s'kay, see ya at midnight on the last day of july~

Quote of the day: "I'm not racist, you nigger."

Thursday, July 10, 2008


You 그녀를 싫어요.

You don't 그녀를 좋아해요.

You turned over a new leaf.

Welcome to the other side.

Quote of the day: "그녀."

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

B - i - t - c - h.

Maybe it's because someone spoilt her before she got brains.

Maybe it's because she can't handle life like most normal people do.

Maybe it's because she was born a selfish bitch.

But I don't care.

You don't belong in this family.

You bitch.

Quote of the day: "You're right. In the wrong world."

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Only found out last week that my birthday's cmin up. Wouldn't have made a difference even if I didn't notice since I'll be spending the whole day at work. I almost feel sorry for myself.

It's gonna be a looooong weekend.

Even this guy thinks so.

Quote of the day: "You know something's wrong when she forgets her cookies."

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Wootz! Sem 1 is officially ovaaarrrrr!!! Now I've got a month to grab some cash and blow it all on breathers and god knows what other shit. :B I'll most probably be selling cams at saberkas for every friggin day of the month so hit me up if you're ever there lol.

"Do not judge a book by it's cover"?

I usually find those words to be as true as my claim that pigs fly but it kinda fit this here movayyy (passed to me by azuar the more than weird lect)...

While the title EQUILIBRIUM may sound cool enough, I have to say it's got a pretty cheap-lookin intro... The main character, preston (played by christian bale), tries to act badass throughout the whole thing. And the fancy moves ze 'clerics' (lmao) do with their guns make them look as if they can be taken out with a pea-shooter from a distance... Ohoh and the ending sucked for me btw. Made me think of ghostrider...

But all that aside, was it really that bad? I can't honestly say that it was. Definitely worth my 5 bucks on a movie day but that's not saying much is it? The whole concept of the emotions of them peops being controlled by this prozium shit really is pretty deep. And the all favourite weapons-up-the-sleeves trick makes me feel like watching angel again hahax. Then there's the better than average dialog too~ Here's one of my fav lines in the beginning (done by one-of-preston's soon-to-be-departed partners):

"But I being poor... Have only my dreams... I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams..."

Now that, ladies and gents, is what you call deep. I'd gladly give this... what? 7.5/10? Sure.

Quote of the day: "This was 'analy-tically' drawn."