Thursday, March 5, 2009

Omg an update.

That made me sound as if I thought that there's anyone left to read my crap. Right? RIGHT? RIGHT??? Well, in fact that's true... I have been checking my blogviews (me isa asshhol) and there seems to be quite a few people visiting this place weekly. And I just wanna say that that means so very much to me <3 style="font-style: italic;">THAT) amazing to me~ Kk now I'm start blogging so you few readers won't start leaving. Not right away at least. I hope. I pray. I D:

So what have I been so effin (attttt least it's not full) busy with for the past few weeks? Why, it's my assignments of course! WHAT BETTER TO DO THAN WASTE AWAY THE BEAUTIFUL DAYS OF MY YOUTH TRYING TO LITERALLY EAT MYSELF (omfglol nevermind) TO
KEEP MYSELF AWAKE AS I RUN ABOUT IN A DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO MEET DELIGHTFUL DEADLINES~ OH LOOK! MY FUDGESTICK (rarara) IS STILL ON! SOMEONE CAN STILL EAT ME :D No I didn't mean anything by that. Just feel as if it's a total mistake blahblahblahzdklfyh;ldhjkldfhgfklhg NEVERMIND THAT! I've uploaded the fruit of my hard labour of 3 weeks for all your viewing needs or so you guys don't get CRUSHED by this boring draggy whatever you want wall of words.

It's got my cat and all that in there so... Enjoy. :D

Don't you just LOAAVVVEE EET~? *smacks keyboard like a mad mf before erasing all the jibberish right after*

Quote of the day: "Yayayayayayaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~"